Paid Practice Exams
These are paid practice exams.
You can access these exams once you get our paid membership.
Specialist Platinum
(6 Exam)
(6 Exam)
19 $39
Access to 6 Exams
270 Questions
45 Qs for each exam
30 Days / Unlimited Attempts
Applicable for Tableau Version 2022.3
Email / WhatsApp Support
7 Days Money Back Guarantee
Paid Practice Test
These are paid practice exams for the Tableau Specialist certification exam.
You can access these exams once you get our paid membership.
Specialist Platinum
(6 Exam)
(6 Exam)
19 $39
Access to 6 Exams
270 Questions
45 Qs for each exam
30 Days / Unlimited Attempts
Applicable for Tableau Version 2022.3
Email / WhatsApp Support
7 Days Money Back Guarantee