Tableau Desktop Certified Associate Exams
Tableau Desktop Certified Associate Certification Exam
Certification Facts
This certification exam has become invalid, It is suggested to visits Tableau Specialist or Tableau Data Analyst exam page.
Tableau Desktop Certified Associate exam is next level of certification (after Tableau Desktop Specialist certification) which requires a suggested 5 months’ work experience as per Tableau. Its exam is 2 hour long and contains 36 questions. Exam is online which you can book and schedule to take as per your convenience time slot. You can take exam at your work place or even at your home. Passing score of this certification is 75 % and its title remains valid for two years
Free Tableau Certification Exam Questions Pool
Free Step by Step Solution Videos
We have created a pool of Tableau Certification Exam questions following the Tableau Exam Prep Guide . These questions are also accompanied with Step by Step solution with explanation of concepts.
You can get the free assessment quizzes and free step by step videos from our Free Quiz Page.
We have developed videos for scenario based questions and their solution where we first understand the question and learn how to find the answer in fastest way.
We strongly recommend every body to watch these video before taking the real exam.
You can watch these video from our Blog Page.
Complete Practice Exams
We have time based complete practice exams on Tableau pattern videos which you can avail after you get our Associate Membership . Once you have Associate Membership, you can use following complete practice exams for Tableau Desktop Certified Associate exams.
Frequently Asked Questions (Tableau Certified Associate Certification)
Tableau Specialist exam is relatively easy and seems like a quick win and budget effective as well so if you are in a state where you need at least a certified tag for job hunting and for impressing the clients, you should go for Tableau Specialist certification. Another reason could be that its title does not expire. But overall Tableau Desktop Certified Associate certification has carries more weightage.
We are unique in terms of our extended support to our users, when you buy our exam, we become your partner in your certification journey and we try our every best to help you out in case you have some questions or concerns related to our exam material.
Well it depends, practice exams are just an indication of your readiness for your real exam, If you feel confident then you don’t need to spend money of any practice exam but generally taking real like practice exams tests your speed and accuracy when you attempt to solve questions in time bound environment.
Free quizzes are available for all users who join our free membership but if you want to take complete practice tests for Tableau Desktop Specialist certification, you need to buy out paid Specialist membership.
We have developed our free quizzes and complete certification exams following the Tableau provided curriculum and exam pattern. If you are getting high score in our exams there are bright chances that you should clear the real exam as well but still we cannot give you 100 percent guarantee since Tableau exams are widely spread across all course line so your theoretical study and exposure with tools also is great factor in getting passing score in real exam.
Every user is valuable to us, we try to entertain every query raised by our valuable users, but generally you should expect initial answer in 24 hours and solution in next 48 hours’ time.
We believe in partnering with our users, if after taking our practice exams, our users think that they have not taken any benefit from our complete tableau desktop certified associate practice exams and they claim for refund, we certainly will not ask any questions while refunding the paid amount.
But you must file the refund claim before expiring the membership.
Our all exams are developed Tableau experts having Tableau certification and with rich Tableau exposure, we are confident about the quality and quantity of our exam products. In case you want to have a flavor of our material, you can try our free quizzes and questions and answers solution videos available on Free quiz page. Additionally we also give the money back guarantee.
If you are in a country where Paypal does not work, you can contact us, we shall arrange a bank payment transfer directly with you. You can send us email at
Definitely, you can get similar stuff on other sites as well since we do not have control over copy and piracy but we assure the authenticity of solutions and give extended support to every query of our users, so in case you get any query or question, feel free to send query to us, we take every extra mile to address the queries of our users. So in this way, you will definitely get ROI on your invested money.
There is certainly no shortcut to success, Tableau certifications exam questions are very well designed and questions can come from any topic of the given curriculum so we strongly recommend you to first go through the exam prep guide very carefully, identify the weak areas and cover the deficiency using the following
- Tableau provided free video
- Tableau provided Help Book
- Practice the exam questions
No, this is our proprietary material and you will not get these files over Tableau public, you have to download these files and use in Tableau Desktop in order to use our practice exams for Tableau Specialist Certification.