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Scenario Based Job Interview Questions For Tableau Professionals
1. Scenario related to Server and Desktop Version
In your organization, it is a standard policy to keep tableau desktop developers on the same version as the version of Tableau Server.
You upgraded your Tableau Desktop version to latest and enhanced an existing dashboard in your latest version whereas Tableau Server is still on the older version? When you will try to publish the dashboard what will be the behavior?
Answer: Workbook from newer version can be published to older server version, Workbook will automatically downgraded to server version.
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2. Scenario related to Data Security in Tableau
You have a client with offices in several countries having its branches in different countries. You are creating its Sales dashboard which should be seen by all users but data should be seen to users as per their department, location and country. How we can achieve it in Tableau.
Answer: This is a very common requirement and can be handled using the concept of Row Level Security in Tableau. First we need to analyze the fields available in data base upon which we can create the user filter to implement the security.
As per data columns available in data base, we need to create server group and create a calculation to be used as Data Filter in worksheet which will scan the rows as per users registered in server groups created in Tableau.
Every record will be scanned by this calculation field called ‘User Filter’ and by using in in the filter pane, every user will see his related data as per configured in the Server Groups.
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3. Scenario related to Dashboard Development
You have created a Patients dashboard which has information about number of patients registered in the month, their location. Major category of diseases and their locations.
There is a Month Parameter in the dashboard contains names of all 12 months of the year. We want that whenever dashboard is opened, Month parameter should be populated as per current month. How we can achieve it.
Answer: This option can be configured by setting a property in the parameter. In order to set the property first you need to create a calculation which get the current month name. You can get the current month name by Date function which returns the current date.
In Tableau we have function called NOW() which returns todays’ date. Use this function in the calculation to get the month name and set this in the Parameter property “Value When Workbook Opens”. Once you set the property, parameter will always get the current month based on this calculation field.
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4. Scenario related to Reports Refresh
In your organization, all Tableau reports are based on extracts which have scheduled refresh at morning 7 AM.
One Day you receive a complain that CEO dashboard is not showing the latest day until 8 AM whereas the dashboard which he is using is based on extract which has a scheduled refresh scheduled to be run at 7 AM.
What do you think could be the reason of this issue and how can you resolve this issue?
Answer: As per scenario statement, all reports of Tableau reports are based on extracts and reports refresh are scheduled to run at 7 AM. It suggests that there will a queue for extracts to be refreshed.
First thing is that you can create a schedule to run at earlier time and if it is not possible while defining the schedule you can set the priority of the schedule to run on priority. You can create a schedule with higher priority and assign that schedule to dashboards which are used by CEO so that his reports should be refreshed on priority.
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5. Scenario related to Tableau Dashboard Development
You have one Tableau report which contains location wise sales and expenses figures. You need to show the values of sales and expenses for each location. Additionally For expenses you want to know the values of expenses as percentage of sales per location. For this you need to divide the expenses of a particular location with the sales of that location.
How we can handle it and what are different ways this requirement can be handled in Tableau?
Answer: This is a very common requirement which we come across while developing analytical reports. This requirement can be done by two approaches.
First, you can use FIXED LOD, to get the values of sales for specific location and use it in the denominator. So value of expenses will be divided by values of Sales (which you get through LOD) and multiply it by 100 to find the value of expense as percent of sales.
Alternatively duplicate your data sources to create a secondary data source and blend it with your primary data source. Take the value of expense as numerator (from the primary data source) and find the value of sales from your secondary data source, divide expense by sales and multiply by 100 to get the value of expenses as percentage of sales using these values.
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6. Scenario related to Tableau Dashboard Performing Poor
You have one Tableau report which was developed couple of years back and was working fine and is suddenly reported by users that this report is taking long time to load and display the values.
As a Tableau professional, how would you can identify the issue and what should be your starting point.
Answer: Tableau provides a performance recorder which is available in the HELP menu under Setting and Performance Option. That should be the starting point of investigation. You can download the Tableau workbook and run the performance recorder. Let the workbook load and use some options available on the tableau report and then stop the recording.
Once you stop the recording, it will generate a workbook showing the detail of time taken at different steps. Analyze this report carefully and find the bottleneck to fix and resolve the issues.
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7. Scenario related to Tableau Dashboard Design
You are in a meeting with CEO of a fast food company and he is giving you a requirement to analyze the products sales with respect to age group. So they could know the products liking and disliking with respect to age group.
Which type of the chart you would recommend that will give the required insight to CEO.
Answer: Histograms are best recommended when you are dealing with groups.
Like here you want to identify the sales of products for various age groups. Histograms provide you option to created bins as per your data. So for the mentioned scenario, we need to create age bins and plot sales according to products. You can created a filter additionally to identify the sales for any specific product.
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8. Scenario related to Tableau Dashboard Development
Junior Tableau Developer is working on a report which has a requirement to bring the top N customers with respect to sales. He has developed and published this report. Business users have complained that it is showing incorrect results for when they check for a location but it works fine when they select all locations.
What do you think could be problem with this report and how to fix the above mentioned scenario?
Answer: While working with Top N reports we have to use the context filter so that we can get the Top N values based on the selected dimension.
Context filter is processed before set and dimension filters, so by making the location filter as context filter, we shall instruct the Tableau to first filter the data for the location and then find the Top N. In this way, you will get the Top N customers for the selected location. So the problem can be fixed by simply making the dimension filter of location as context filter.
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9. Scenario related to Tableau Dashboard Sharing
You have created very nice dashboards for your company which gives great insight for the selected customer. Your CEO wants to share the same dashboard with one particular customer along with data so he can use all options available on the dashboard. Please note that customer is not using any of the Tableau products.
How you will achieve this requirement?
Answer: There is simple way to download the PDF and send to customer but through PDF file, customer will not be able to click the details of reports or he will not be able to select the values in parameters and filters on the dashboard.
So to enable the customer to fully utilize the dashboard, you should share a packaged file (which contains the dashboard along with data) which is readable by Tableau Reader. Ask customer to download the Tableau reader which is a free Tableau product. Once the customer downloads it, he will be able to open the packaged file in the Tableau reader and will be able to use all options available on the dashboard.
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10. Scenario related to Tableau Extract Size
You are working with a client which have custom developed ERP system. Their database model is poorly designed and they have one big single table with dozens of columns which contains most of the information applicable for all lines of the business. When you have completed the development of dashboard and have extracted the data, Size of extract is very big.
Is there a way you can reduce of the size of extract and what is recommended approach to handle such scenario?
Answer: When you are dealing with extracts, it is always recommended make the unused columns as hidden.
Tableau does not store the hidden columns in the extracts. Its means it will create extract considering only the columns which are not hidden. For all hidden columns it will ignore while making extract. This way you can keep the size of extract as minimum.
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Good work need more such scenarios to get deeper understanding of the subject matter.