Tableau Certification, Tableau Certification Exam Questions, Tableau Desktop Certified Associate

Tableau Desktop Associate Certification Exam Questions

Tableau Specialist Certification Exam Questions

Tableau Desktop Certified Associate Exam Questions Overview

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What This Article is all about

Tableau Desktop Certified Associate Exam Questions

This article is a continuation of our earlier article How to Pass Tableau Certification Exam where we discussed and anlayzed an overall approach that should be followed to get success in any of the Tableau exam.

In this article, we are shall be discussing the Tableau Desktop Certified Associate Certification Exam Questions in more detail.

In first section of this article, we shall learn the exam facts and in the later sections we shall discuss the questions and their importance from exam point of view. We shall learn about the number of questions, types of questions, their complexity along with guide for preparation.

In result, you will be able to better assess what you need to do and how you can utilize your time and energy effectively.

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Desktop Associate Exam Facts

Tableau Desktop Certified Associate Certification Exam Dumps

Price of Exam

Price of exam is 250 USD, once you books the exam, you have 6 months time to appear in the exam

Suggested Experience

Tableau desktop certified associate exam is an advanced level of exam where Tableau has suggested 5 months plus experience

Exam Duration and Passing Score

Durtion of exam is 120 minutes and passing score is 75%. After 120 minutes, exam automatically finishes so you must do peoper time management and finish the exam within 120 minutes

Mode of Exam

Exam will be conducted online on Windows Virtual Machine containing Tableau Desktop, once you start the exam, you get connected with proctor, who helped you to provide a link where you will get Tableau Desktop installed as per requirement of the certificaiton exam.

Number of Questions in exam

There are total 36 questions in this exam as per Tableau certification exam prep guide. Exam is a blend of theory and hand on questions. There are total 7 sections with different percentages mentioned in the exm prep guide. We can estimate the importance of each section based on its given percentage.

Find our estimate of expected number of questions in each secion which is discussed in detail as mentioned below.

tableau certification exam questions

carefully to select the correct option.


Question in this exam are automatically scored; their point value changes as per question type. Hands-on questions carry more points as compared to theory questions.

Questions Format

This exam contains four types of questions which are multiple choice, true/ false, multiple response and hands-on questions.

Languages Offered

This exam is being offerred in various languages like English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, German, French, Brazilian Portuguese and International Spanish. You have to select this option while you are booking the exam.

Skills Measured

Tablaeu has mentioned following skills which will be measured in the exam. Every skillset mentioned below targets a specific type of the questions.

Before moving for any Tableau certification dumps or complete Tableau certification practice exams, it is strongly recommended to have a detailed analylsis for each section to plan your learning journey accordingly.

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Data Connections

This section emphasizes on data connections. you must practice each point mentioned in list below. But as per experience questions related to unions, blending, joins especially cross database joins and custom split should be given more importance while these concepts will mature once you practice them.

Free questions related to this section can be found on our Free Quiz page.

Percentage weightage is 17% and if calculate mathematically, we can expect around 6 questions from data connections.

Out of these 6 questions, 2-3 can be theory questions where as 2-3 hands-on questions can be expected. Following is the detailed list of topics in this section.

Organizing and Simplifying

This section enphasizes on organizing and simplifying the data in Tableau, you must practice each point mentioned in list below. This is small section and all point mentioned in it are important and should be practiced to get your concepts clarified.

Free questions related to this section can be found on our Free Quiz page.

Percetnage weightage is 10% and if calcualte mathemtcially, we can expect around 4 questions from this section.

Out of these 4 question, 1-3 can be theory questions where as 1-2 hands-on questions can be expected. Following is the detailed list of topics in this section.

tableau certification exam questions

Field and Chart Types

This section focuses on field and chart types. Questions related to measures, dimensions, histograms, dual axis, bos plots and annotations can get more priority for exam.

Free questions related to this section can be found on our Free Quiz page.

Percentage weightage is 15% and if calculate mathematically, we can expect around 5 questions from this section.

Out of these 5 question, 2-3 can be theory questions where as 2-3 hands-on questions can be expected. Following is the detailed list of topics in this section.

tableau certification exam questions


This is most important section carrying the highest percentage among all the sections. All topics should be given very much importance especially theory questions related to this section are quite tough. One must have very good understanding for all topics mentioned in this section.

Free questions related to this section can be found on our Free Quiz page.

Percentage weightage is 18% and if calculate mathematically, we can expect around 6 questions from this section.

Out of these 6 question, 3-4 can be theory questions where as 2-3 hands-on questions can be expected. Following is the detailed list of topics in this section.

tableau certification exam questions


This section emphasizes to develop skills related to maps and its application to resolve business questions in Tableau. All topics are important but you can put more focus on geographical roles, map layers, finding distance between two geo coordinates, custom geocoding and custom territories.

Free questions related to this section can be found on our Free Quiz page.

Percentage weightage is 13% and if calculate mathematically, we can expect around 5 questions from this section.

Out of these 5 question, 2-3 can be theory questions where as 2-3 hands-on questions can be expected. Following is the detail list of topics in this section.

tableau certification exam questions


This section emphasizes to evaluate the application of your analytical skills using Tableau. All topics are important but you can put more focus on trend lines, box plot, reference lines, forecasting and data highlighter.

Free questions related to this section can be found on our Free Quiz page.

Percentage weightage is 15% and if calculate mathematically, we can expect around 5 questions from this section.

Out of these 5 question, 2-3 can be theory questions where as 2-3 hands-on questions can be expected. Following is the detailed list of topics in this section.

tableau certification exam questions


This section emphasizes to evaluate the application of your skills to develop dashboards and visualizations using Tableau. All topics are important but you can put more focus on dashboard action, applying filters on dashboards, stories and sharing options.

Free questions related to this section can be found on our Free Quiz page.

Percentage weightage is 12% and if calculate mathematically we can expect around 4 questions from this section.

Out of these 4 question, 1-2 can be theory questions where as 2-3 hands-on questions can be expected. Following is the detailed list of topics in this section.

tableau certification exam questions


As we learned from topics mentioned above that this certification focuses on basic as well as advanced concepts and expects that people should master in Tableau which requires you to have good theoretical knowledge.

While preparing for this exam, percentage of each section must be considered and accordingly effort plan should be made. We have given the suggested numbers of questions based on the percentages mentioned in the exam prep guide.

Once you are confident about all individual sections, go ahead to take  complete Tableau Desktop Certified Associate Certification Practice Exams to evaluate your readiness. These Tableau Desktop Certified Associate Certification Practice Dumps are just an indication and can be used a tool to highlight your weak areas which you can improve accordingly.

For any questions related to Tableau Desktop Certified Associate Certification Exam, free free to approach us at

Disclaimer: This article is written for knowledge and sharing purpose, Expected number of questions are purely based on our analysis and study, we don’t take any responsibility in case your find different numbers in the real Tableau Desktop Associate Certification Exam.

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