Tableau Certification Exam Questions - Part 4
This question is Part 4 of our free series of questions along with step by step video and Text based solutions for Tableau Certification Exam Question Dumps including Tableau Desktop Specialist Certification Exam Dumps and Tableau Desktop Certified Associate Exam Dumps. You will see similar questions in both above mentioned certification exams. In Specialist Exam you can expect 8 to 10 scenario based questions where as in Associate exam, it’s almost double. We strongly recommend to have a walk through such material before your real exam. All data sources used in these questions are available in Data Source Page at our website Menu.
Question AD
Use SPCL_Sample-Superstore-Subset Excel File and using Orders sheets, Find the product sub category having the highest share of sales for year 2013
Solution Concept
In this question, we need to find the highest share of sales which is nothing but the biggest percentage across all sales across all product sub categories in the year 2013. First things first, so first thing that we shall do to solve it is to filter the data for year 2013 and then we can get the percentage share using the quick table calculation for sales measure.
Though we can also compute the percentages of sales manually through calculation fields but using quick table calculation is the fastest way to reach to result.
Note: if you want to practice this question on your PC, you can download the data source from data sources page from our website menu.
In order to learn how percent of total works in Quick Table calculations, you can continue your learning journey and can read the following article from Tableau knowledge base.
Watch Video Based Question Explanation and Solution
Text Based Solution
It will open a new blank workbook like following
Click on Connect to data
From following screen click the Excel data source option
It will ask the location for the data source available on the system, select the correct data source file and load it, Once you select the excel data source file from your local PC, it will be loaded in the Tableau and will look like as following
Select Orders Sheet and drop in the data pane
Its data will be visible and will look like this
Its data will be visible and will look like this
New Sheet will open like this
Click the Order Date and drag it to columns shelf
Sheet will look like this
Select the sales measure and put it on the Text as shown below
It will show the sales across years
Now select Product Sub Category and drag it to Rows Shelf
Now the sheet is showing the sales across product sub category across all available years
Now select the quick table calculation ‘Percent of Total’ as shown below
This will give the values as percentage of sales
It is the default behavior of Quick Table Calculations that it starts computing at Table Across option as a result, calculation gets performed across each row. For better understanding, if you just total the percentages in any of the row in above screen, its total is 100.
Now in order to show you the concept of percentage, click on the Analysis Menu and click on show columns grand total as shown below
It will add the grand total at the bottom of the each year column
If we analyze the above screen shot, we can see that grand total for year 2013 is only 31.86 %. Whereas our requirement is to find the percentage share of sales related to sales figured which belong to year 2013 only. This can happen only when all grand total computes to 100 for all values for year 2013.
We can achieve this by changing the compute level, by changing the compute level, we instruct the criteria to Tableau which values it should consider while calculating the percentages.
Set the compute level as shown below
We can see that now total of each column has become 100 as shown below
Now Sort the data by clicking on the sort descending button as shown below
Data will look like this
We can very quickly notice that in year 2013, the top most percentage value is 15.42 which belongs to Office Machines Product Sub Category.
We have reached to the desired result by one approach. But we can solve the same question through another approach.
Alternate approach for same question
Assume, you have loaded the data source and on the new sheet, select the Order Date and place it on the filter pane
It will ask you to select the one option, select Years and click next
Now select year 2013 and click OK
Now select Product Sub Category and drag into Rows Shelf
Sheet will look like this
Select Sales measure and drag on the Text.
It will show sales across all product sub categories for year 2013 since we have already placed a filter for year 2013.
Now select sales measure and select the quick table calculation ‘Percent of Total’ as shown below
It will show the values in terms on percentage
Click on the Sort Descending button to sort the data in the descending order
After this you can easily find out the product sub category which has highest share in sales for year 2013.
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